Acumen Accounting & Tax Services, Inc.

financial strategy and tax planning page

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What exactly is financial strategy & tax planning?



It is the process of looking at your complete financial situation and figuring out how to save money on taxes.


This tax plan needs to be drawn up a year ahead of time, and in some cases during the calendar year as well.


It cannot be done for the prior year. 

Who benefits most from this service:

– You should be paying a lot of taxes. At least over 20,000 for this service to give you benefit.

– You should have at least one profitable business, the more businesses you run, the higher the savings.

– If you have a more complex tax situation, there are more opportunities for tax savings


This service requires a complete analysis of your tax situation, so it takes about 3-4 weeks to complete the plan.


An initial assessment is also required to see if you are a good candidate for this service.


How it works:

– Initial intake: Unless you are an exisiting client and we have access to your tax documents, an initial intake phone call is required. We review the process with you and provide you secure links to send us all the information we need.

– Document Review: It takes about 3 days to review all your documents to ensure that you will benefit from this service. If we find we can help you, then we proceed.

– Deposit Required: An initial deposit is required to start creating the plan.

– Plan complete: You can expect the plan to be complete within 3-4 weeks.

– Final Payment: You will be sent an invoice for your final payment.

– Review Meeting: After we receive your payment, we will set up a time to present your fully implementable plan. We will include everything you need to including recommended resources to start setup. If you require our assistance with that, it is available under a separate engagement. 

To Proceed with this Service, please schedule directly into the calendar:


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