Acumen Accounting & Tax Services, Inc.
ASK ME ANYTHING service page
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Ask Me Anything!
[Accounting or Tax Related only]
You may not have started a business yet, or you may have a flourishing 7-figure business.
This is how to work with us directly if the other services are not exactly the right fit for you.
Do any of the following apply:
– You have questions about one or two aspects of your business and want an expert opinion.
– You already have an accountant and like him/her but would just like another opinion.
– Your friend/neighbor/dad had mentioned something and you want to verify it.
If yes, then you’ll love this service!
For 60 minutes – ask us anything accounting or taxes relating to your business and life.
Do you need advice on an income/expense projection?
Do you need advise on whether to choose an S Corp or an LLC? [Tax perspective only]
Are you launching a product/service/website and want advice on how to manage the cash?
Did you already have a 5 or 6 figure launch and now you’re not sure what to do about taxes?
Are you stuck trying to figure out whether QuickBooks is right for you? Or maybe some other accounting software?
Do you want to talk about everything you need to do before you quit your job to start your own business?
You’re not sure if you need to start a company or not – you want advice.
Do you need a business bank account? And what do you do if you can’t get a business credit card?
You think you’re paying too much in taxes and you want to know how to stop doing that!
Anything else you can think of relating to your business numbers, accounting, taxes etc
$250 PER HOUR [$125 for 30 minutes]
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Your primary focus is to have your business produce a consistent income for you
Growth Focus
Your primary focus is the growth of your business, but at strong and steady pace that works for you